A complementary view between qualitative and quantitative methods in the research and development of political science in Peru





political science, university students, qualitative methods, quantitative methods, scientific research


The purpose of this paper is to determine the perception of students of the professional career of Political Science on the complementary vision between qualitative and quantitative methods in research to enable the development of political science in Peru. A non-experimental, causal cross-sectional study was carried out and the methods applied were descriptive and statistical. The sample comprised 96 students from the Professional School of Political Science at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. The survey technique was used with a Likert scale questionnaire. To analyse the information, descriptive and inferential statistics were used, and the SPSS statistical programme, version 23, was used as a tool for data processing. It was concluded that the students’ perception of the complementarity between qualitative and quantitative methods is positive. It was also found that 87.5 % of the students strongly agree and 10.4 % agree that the development of political science is due to its scientific rigour, methodological pluralism and institutionalisation. Because they prefer the quantitative method to the qualitative one, they accept the complementarity of the methods.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

A complementary view between qualitative and quantitative methods in the research and development of political science in Peru. (2022). REVISTA DE DERECHO Y CIENCIA POLÍTICA, 77(77), 75-98. https://doi.org/10.62450/unmsm.derecho/2022.v77n77.04