Constitutional approach victimization of children in the crime of rape


  • Chedorlaomer Rubén Gonzáles Espinoza Departamento Académico de Derecho Público Facultad de Derecho y Ciencia Política de la UNMSM. Author


The rape of minors, besides constituting a serious attack on freedom of innocent people, whose consequences are not only of a material nature, but has consequences of difficult moral and psychological overcome and that definitely mark the victims of heinous crime. To the consequences of the crime itself, add, unfortunately, abuse and indifference of the State, notwithstanding the provisions of criminal law. We refer to the sobrevictimización of children during the legal medical examination, which does not have proper guarantees of privacy and respect for children, taking into account the interests of the child. Also, another form of sobrevictimización is then present the review of medical examiner is that, although provided by law, no psychological support for children is provided, situation lapsing the time, it becomes a permanent trauma.


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Derecho Constitucional

How to Cite

Constitutional approach victimization of children in the crime of rape. (2019). REVISTA DE DERECHO Y CIENCIA POLÍTICA, 74, 105-124.

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